Today is national Parents as Teachers Day!

November 8 is national Parents as Teachers Day…a day to recognize the thousands of organizations offering Parents as Teachers services across the country and around the world. Here’s to the thousands of parent educators who give parents of young children support and information so all children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.

Gieselman family

The Gieselman family of Lathrop, Mo. is one such family.

As a teen mother, Michelle was inexperienced. In a high school parenting class, a Parents as Teachers parent educator came in to speak, prompting Michelle to schedule home visits.

“At six months, I didn’t realize my son should have been pushing on his arms and holding his upper torso up,” she said. But once her parent educator began checking for developmental benchmarks, Michelle was able to have a more meaningful dialogue with her pediatrician.

The parent educator assigned to her second child reaffirmed her faith in Parents as Teachers. “We had just moved to a small town; I didn’t have any way to socialize my sons,” Michelle said. Her parent educator introduced her to other stay-at-home moms who organized weekly play dates for their children. “I probably would’ve moved if it wasn’t for that,” Michelle said. “Parents as Teachers parent educators are the most wonderful people!”

We agree, Michelle! Here’s to the 10,000 Parents as Teachers parent educators and the families they serve. Thank you for all you do!

Celebrate National Parents as Teachers Day!